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7 Jan

Inspired by Ramonda Sosa‘s  90 day raw food feast, I made this tangy cauliflower with mushroom gravy dish. I loved it but the best compliment came from Rob, a reluctant cauliflower eater, who said, “It’s good!” I think he was a bit surprised. So, not only is this raw foods dish super healthy, it tastes great too!

Tangy Cauliflower

Combine all ingredients in a food processor and give it a whirrrrrl!

    3 C chopped cauliflower

    ½ C soaked raw cashews (I didn’t soak mine too long and it worked just fine.)

    ¼ C thyme and / or sage leaves (Do you own thing here. What herbs are your favorites?)

    1 avocado (Thanks avocado for making it creamy and giving us those healthy fats at the same time!)

    ¼ C lime juice (Did I mention tangy?)

    1 T white miso paste (Maybe this isn’t raw but we might have to be flexible here..)

    2 cloves garlic (yum!)

    2 T olive oil

Mushroom Gravy

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend away!

¾ C sliced mushrooms (We get low calories & high nutrients including our much needed – due to lack of SUN now – vitamin D.)

1/3 C olive oil

1/3 C water

1 T soy sauce (Not all is raw….)

1.5 T apple cider vinegar

1 clove garlic (You’d better like garlic if you eat this stuff.)

I topped the whole thing with chives just for fun!



31 Dec

Unless you are paying attention, you might not already know that salads are not always your friend if you are trying to eat healthy and / or lose weight. If you want to hear this same message from multiple sources, click on the links below. If you are already convinced and you want to take a giant step towards getting the most from your salad eating, keep reading!

One of the best things you can do to make sure your salad eating isn’t sabotaging you is to make your own salad dressing. If you use the mix-n-match recipes below in advance, you’ll always have healthy dressing on hand and you’ll always be ready! I like to make one jar of the vinaigrette dressing and one of the creamy dressing at the same time. If the healthy stuff is within reach, it’s much easier to eat right!

Vinaigrette Mix-N-Match Dressing

Mix the following ingredients in a blender. Chill. Enjoy!

¼ cup oil (I prefer olive oil, but pick your favorite)

¼ cup vinegar (I prefer apple cider vinegar, but pick your… Are you getting the gist of the mix-n-match approach?)

¼ cup berries (I like strawberries, but…)

Juice of one lemon (I prefer limes, but you can really go wild and try grapefruit juice if that floats your boat!)

1 TBS of honey (You can use any healthy sweetener of your preference!)

1 – 2 cloves of garlic (Unless you are allergic to garlic or just really hate it, this is an ingredient that doesn’t seem optional to me!)

Herbs of your choice (I really like thyme with this recipe, but do your thing!)

Creamy Mix-N-Match Dressing

Again, mix the following ingredients in a blender. Chill. Enjoy!

¼ cup soaked raw cashews (I don’t recommend using any other type of nut. Cashews give you the creaminess you want!)

1/8 cup sesame seeds (Feel free to use other things, like pine nuts, here!)

3 TBS lemon juice (Again, I prefer lime juice.)

2 cloves of garlic (You already know how I feel about the garlic!)

1 tsp miso

½ tsp kelp

1 tsp sweetener

¼ cup water


Top Ways to Ruin a Healthy Salad

The Healthiest and Unhealthiest Salad Dressings 

Myths About Salad – Unhealthy Salad 

Six Ridiculously Unhealthy Salads 

Six Shocking Reasons Your Salad Is a Fat Bomb


20 Apr

A lifetime of good health comes from a lifetime of many small but important daily decisions. Doing these things every day is the key. If you do, health will be your natural state. If you do this, when you are older you can be as strong and able as you are today. You might mistakenly think that you just have good genes or that you’re just lucky. Well, maybe there’ll be some of that but mostly it’s because of all those little things you did throughout your whole life. Continue reading


19 Apr

Yes, you can have it all!

You can have a delicious and healthy meal to start your day right. Continue reading


10 Apr

It is with great pleasure that I can share this interview of Tanya Rickard with you. How we met seems rather unremarkable. We’re in the same yoga class and we both prefer the right front corner of the room. For quite a while we did yoga right next to each other without much conversation. I’m so glad that we eventually had a chance to get to know each other better because this unremarkable meeting turned out to be with a very remarkable woman.

Five years ago Tanya weighed over 300 pounds and now she weighs a healthy 150 pounds. She has succeeded at transforming her life in ways that are truly inspiring. The changes she embraced are not only physical but also emotional and spiritual. She successfully crafted a brand new and very healthy self-image which directs her journey today! Continue reading


6 Apr

Here is a SUPER easy and nutritious solution! Continue reading


30 Mar

Let’s say you already know that you are an emotional eater. You know what’s healthy to eat and what isn’t. You know about portion control. You love the idea of eating healthy. But you don’t do it consistently. The longer you live with the pressures of being an emotional eater, the worse you feel.

So, what can you do? Continue reading

Pomegranate = Potential Superstar in Efforts to Combat Alzheimer’s Disease

24 Mar

Did you know that the pomegranate is one of the seven fruits listed in the Old Testament as a symbol of fertility?

Well, I’m not sure about fertility but if that might mean that the pomegranate will produce many health benefits, I’m totally on board! Continue reading

COCONUT OIL – If and Why and How

19 Mar

While it’s good that science provides us with new and better information to guide our food choices, it is sometimes hard to keep up with the latest and greatest. Recommendations on fats and oils have changed dramatically over the years. Remember how saturated fats are bad fats? Actually, generally they still are. But did you know that coconut oil is a saturated fat and did you know that it is now said that coconut oil is actually good for your heart? What? Continue reading


9 Mar

After a heavy workout, your body needs protein!

Here’s another option for you to get that protein while enjoying this treat!

It’s very easy to make but you need a high powered blender for this. Continue reading

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